Jolyon Yates launches ODEChair Project
02 05, 08 Topic: ODEChair
Press Release : 2/5/08
ODEChair by Jolyon Yates
An ODE is a lyrical poem that pays respect to that which inspired it
The subject of that respect is those who have lent thoughts, inspiration or kindness in the development of these pieces; friends and family, mother nature; the Atlantic Ocean; Northumberland; New Zealand; the rain
Specifically, this ODE is to those that we meet and learn from on our journeys
In a world of loveless volume manufacturing, ODEChair products display soul by reflecting the care and honesty with which they have been conceived and crafted

An ODE is a lyrical poem that pays respect to that which inspired it
The subject of that respect is those who have lent thoughts, inspiration or kindness in the development of these pieces; friends and family, mother nature; the Atlantic Ocean; Northumberland; New Zealand; the rain
Specifically, this ODE is to those that we meet and learn from on our journeys
In a world of loveless volume manufacturing, ODEChair products display soul by reflecting the care and honesty with which they have been conceived and crafted

Stingray Stool, from Tulipwood

Ocean Rocker, from Birch

Savannah Rocker, from Birch