Peter Yates Exhibition at Margaret Howell - April 15

peter yates british landscapes exhibition at margaret howell edge

Peter Yates British Landscapes 1945 - 1980
April 15 - May 10, 2010
Margaret Howell
34 Wigmore Street

peter-yates-margaret howell exhibition wigmore street
Margaret Howell Window, Wigmore St London

Peter Yates (1920-1982) was one of the founders of Ryder and Yates, the partnership which brought modern architecture to the North East of England after the war. But he also painted and Margaret Howell has chosen 15 of his works which reflect Yates’ response to the Britain he travelled through. The paintings feature both rural and urban landscapes and highlight his skill in a variety of media.

Boscastle painting by Peter Yates in 1956

“One of the pleasures in reading Rutter Carroll’s ‘Ryder and Yates’ was discovering Peter Yates’ paintings. So I was more than happy when the opportunity came to mount a personal selection of his work. One thinks of Nash and Bawden; Peter Yates shares something of their graphic strength, eye for detail, and sheer fondness of what he finds in the British landscape.”
Margaret Howell

The exhibition has been organised with the help of the Yates family and Catherine Croft of
The Twentieth Century Society.

peter-yates-margaret howell exhibition wigmore street peter-yates-margaret howell exhibition wigmore street
Image from the evening of the exhibition preview (left) and the following morning. (Courtesy of MHL)


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